Coaching & Consulting

Supporting executives and managers at all stages of their professional lives and providing companies with the necessary levers for growth to go further and beyond

Our services

coaching individuel

Individual or group coaching

Ultreïa assists boards, executives, managers and their teams who wish to individually or collectively improve their efficiency and performance in order to reach their full potential. Through coaching, we bring a fresh perspective to help overcome the obstacles linked to personal and professional situations.

Human Resources Consulting

As an expert in human resources, Ultreïa helps companies define an HR strategy that enables their employees to grow individually and collectively. We specifically support organizations in their transition phase to enable them to better embrace a new direction.

conseil RH

A solution 100% adapted to your needs that will help you grow


Each solution is different: all coaching sessions are different; all HR advices are tailored. Ultreïa provides a customized solution to your individual needs or those of the client company.


Ultreïa comes to ask "stinging" questions to get you out of your comfort zone. The challenges are adapted to the client's ecosystem, which the coach ensures is respected. The client chooses to honestly and creatively explore appropriate solutions, make informed decisions and take action independently.


The content of the sessions is confidential and Ultreïa is committed to respecting the ethics of the coaching company which includes professional secrecy. This allows for the establishment of a framework of trust and security.

Our customers talk about us


Sophie accompanied me in a phase of professional transition. She knew how to guide me to find my own answers by using relevant tools of self-knowledge and coaching and by allowing me to mobilize my internal and external resources.
Her kindness, her listening skills and her relevance allowed me to move forward serenely, in a pleasant and trusting environment.


As a fast-growing start-up, Otoqi has twice asked Sophie to interview candidates for a key management position. The finesse of her analysis played a decisive role in the development of our company by effectively guiding our choices.
We then worked together on a broader organization design work. Sophie quickly took the measure of our ambitions, constraints and the weight of our history to help us build a shared vision of our HR ambitions over the next 12 to 18 months.


Thanks to Sophie’s support, I have recovered my ability to bounce back.
Her uncompromising work transformed my view of the situation I was facing.
Her assets: real-life experience as an HRD that brought her face to face with concrete operational situations, her intuition and her analytical finesse that enable her to choose the right angles of approach and the right tools.


I needed a coach with a perfect command of English and with HR experience in large US groups. Sophie’s coaching allowed me to gain confidence and work on strategic areas that proved to be game changing.

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Do you want to go

Take advantage of Ultreïa’s expertise to challenge yourself and take another look at your professional situation and your HR and managerial practices.

Sophie Digard

“I help my clients get to know themselves better, to identify their personal resources to find their own solutions in order to support them in the change they are facing.”

Sophie Digard
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